
Shovel Knight: Shovel of Hope DX Announced, Enhanced Re-Release Brings New Features

  • Laura Bauer
  • Jun 16, 2024
  • 314
Shovel Knight: Shovel of Hope DX Announced, Enhanced Re-Release Brings New Features

Over the years, many Shovel Knight journeys have been embarked on. Still, a forthcoming opportunity to re-engage with the maiden voyage of the series beckons. During the recent Yacht Club Games Presents exhibition, the unveiling of the next principal Shovel Knight installment took place. Additionally, the developers brought Shovel Knight: Shovel of Hope DX to light.

As the name implies, the upcoming Shovel of Hope DX will be a broadened re-launch of the first Shovel Knight campaign. This version promises numerous enhancements and new aspects, encompassing a player roster of 20 characters, the ability to play online, and beyond. A new feature, the Rewind function, will behave as expected, and players will be given the ability to employ Save States. An arsenal of over 300 cheats to alter the adventure and gameplay experience in diversified ways will also be incorporated. Of course, prior updates will be integrated as well.

The developers proclaim that this is the conclusive edition of Shovel of Hope. They believe it is their method of conserving the game's primitive function, guaranteeing its features remain accessible for future generations of players. They hope it incorporates everything players desire, especially new multiplayer features and other enhancements.

The announcement for Shovel Knight: Shovel of Hope DX release has only been made for PC. No information is available on potential releases on other platforms, or the exact release date.

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